Thursday, February 21, 2008

South Beach Diet Basics

You may have heard a lot about the South Beach Diet but are still unsure about the basics. What can you and cant you eat? Do you have to weigh and measure? The whole point of the South Beach Diet is to keep things simple. Here are some basic guidelines every beacher needs to know:

In this category, you should enjoy lean cuts of beef, poultry, pork and veal. All types of fish and shellfish are allowed as are fat-free or low-fat deli meats. Lite tofu is also permissible.

These should be used sparingly and include whole-grain bagels, bread, high-fiber cereals, whole-wheat pasta and whole-grain rice.

This includes low and non-fat dairy products such as American, cheddar or feta cheese. String cheese and mozzarella sticks make excellent snacks. Soy milk and fat-free, plain yogurt are also allowed.

You can enjoy nuts in limited amounts. Most nuts are limited to 15 pieces. The exceptions are macadamias (8), peanuts (20 small) and pistachios (30).

You may use whole eggs unless otherwise directed by a doctor. Use egg substitutes and whites as desired.

Vegetables, Fruits and Legumes
Concentrate on low-glycemic index vegetables, fruits and legumes like asparagus, broccoli, apples, cherries and beans. Avoid starchy items such as beets, carrots, white potatoes, bananas, pineapples and corn.

Concentrate on mono and poly-unsaturated oils such as canola and olive oil. Avoid saturated fats such as butter and margarine.

Spices and Seasonings
All spices that contain no added sugar are allowed. You can use extracts (such as vanilla and almond) for flavor. Broth is also allowed.

Eat till satisfied
There is no weighing and measuring on the South Beach Diet. Its both cumbersome and impractical. This doesnt mean that you can eat an unlimited amount. But, how can you know if you are overeating?

You should closely monitor how full you feel. Eat till you are satisfied but not stuffed. You will probably find that you have to slow down and check-in every once in a while to see how full you feel.

Enjoy snacks
Since this Diet emphasizes regulating your blood sugar, you should not let yourself go hungry. Going long periods of time without eating leads to dips in your blood sugar which will trigger cravings and lead you to make unwise choices. So, if you feel hungry in between meals, eat a small snack. It will keep you on track.

Thats it in a nutshell. Simple, huh? Thats the point. Use these guidelines to fit a flexible and easy way of eating into your life.

Reggie Dunn is a long time diet enthusiast and follower of the South Beach Diet.
You can find more information on the South Beach Diet at

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